Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Product and Pricing of Tree of Life Mussar Art

Each SOUL TRAIT Tile: $18 USD + shipping and handling
Tree of Life Tile Holder: $90 USD + shipping and handling

Midah Clay Tile: each tile is approximately 1 ½“ w x 3 to 5” w
Tiles are intentionally sculpted small enough to be held in your hand. Tile width varies depending upon length of word.

Tree of Life Middah Holder with wooden backing: approx. 9” w x 12” h
Below the Tree of Life are gold 2 nails on which to display your tile.
Sculpture is wall-mountable.

Tile Language options: English, Hebrew or Transliteration
Tile Finish options: Antique Natural Clay or your choice of color(s)

Expect variations in color, texture and size as this makes your sculpture an
Oppenheimer Original!

For orders and inquiries please email: MussarSculptures@yahoo.com

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